3rd Turkish Trauma & Emergency Surgery Congress
The congress was held at the Talya Hotel in Antalya, between August 31 & September 04, 1999. Although 600 doctors made pre-registrations, due to the major earthquake in August 17 only 460 doctors could attend the congress. The opening ceremony was honoured bt the rector of Istanbul University and Akdeniz University. Congress president Mehmet Kurtoglu, and Cemalettin Ertekin (president of Turkish Association for Trauma and Emergency Surgery made speeches. Following this Korhan Taviloglu gave a presentation on the August 17 earthquake at the Marmara region of Turkey. Besides many Turkish trauma & emergency experts, Howard R. Champion, Timothy C. Fabian and Carol Marie Gilbert from the USA, Asher Hirshberg from Israel and Hans U. Baer from Switzerland gave conferences. Howard Champion gave a very interesting talk on New technologies and research models for trauma. Carol M Gilbert, Oguzhan Buyukgebiz and Yilmaz User participated a panel on disaster management.